
The animated short film tells the story of a man who, thanks to the transformation skills of his living room furniture, experiences rapid journeys through virtual worlds.

CYBER received the rating “BESONDERS WERTVOLL” (Especially Valuable) from the Wiesbaden Film Evaluation Office.

Quote from the jury:

Modern arranged piano music by J.S. Bach is the clever counterpoint of this playfully sophisticated reflection on media. The original animated film surprises with a coherent concept for those virtual worlds that everyone can easily bring into their living room today. It’s so inventive and surprising in detail that it’s great fun to watch.


The film has been screened at the

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York

Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Museum Reina Sofia Madrid

and in the International Competitions of most prestigious animation film festivals worldwide. Among them the festivals of

Annecy, Ottawa, Espinho, Stuttgart, Lisbon, Clermond-Ferrand, Hiroshima, NewYork Kids, Beijing, Shanghai .


Technique: Drawn animation, digital coloring and compositing in 2D animation software.

