Mad Island of Lovers and Killers
Animation film, 7’53” / 2018
The film tells the story of a naturally rich island, where some things go haywire and yet in the end there is not room for everyone.
The settlers are bulls and bears, knights and cardinals, hardworking Indians and crowned heads, cowboys who just want to play and cowgirls who vie for cream. On their carousel ride they experience steep climbs, the fear of bad weather, find milk in abundance …
DUMBO Festival New York
INSOMNIA Festival Moskau
International Festival of Animated Film in Stuttgart
Director and screenplay: Stefan Eling
Animation: Stefan Eling, Flennie Gast, Carlo Palazzari, Neal Stifgen, Aleks Dokic
Editing: Kati Leonhardt
Music: Stüppi Tastenberg
Sound: Wolfgang Mertens
/ Cyber